
What is Recovery?

Recovery is the process of achieving an optimal state of personal, social, and emotional well-being, as defined by each individual. It is about living with or recovering from a mental health condition while maintaining a fulfilling and meaningful life.

A Personal Journey

For those living with mental health conditions, recovery is not just about managing symptoms—it’s about the whole person. The journey is unique for everyone, with recovery meaning different things to different people.

A recovery-oriented approach focuses on helping individuals regain control of their lives, whether or not they continue to experience symptoms.

Overcoming Barriers to Recovery

Recovery is about finding ways to navigate challenges and build a strong foundation for well-being. This may involve developing or maintaining:

  • Hope and optimism – Believing in the possibility of a better future.
  • Strengths and abilities – Recognizing and using personal skills.
  • An active life – Engaging in meaningful activities and social connections.
  • A positive sense of self – Cultivating self-worth and confidence.
  • A meaningful and purposeful life – Finding direction and fulfillment.

How METS Mentors Support Recovery

METS mentors work within a recovery framework, supporting individuals in defining what positive mental health means for them. They provide guidance, encouragement, and practical strategies to help individuals regain control and create a life that aligns with their personal goals.

The Right to a Fulfilling Life

People with lived experience of mental health challenges have the right to lead fulfilling lives and make their own choices about how they live and the support they receive. Recovery is about empowerment, self-determination, and hope for a brighter future.